About the Study

What is the CHOiCES Study?

CHOiCES stands for Comparing Health Outcomes in Care EncounterS. The research team wants to understand how people make decisions about thyroid disease and how to improve patient care. With your help, we can improve care for patients with thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer. You can complete the study in the comfort of your own home, which consists of watching a video and answering some questions about yourself.

Why should I participate?

You can earn $40 by watching a video and answering questions about yourself. Sharing your experiences will help us to improve care for other patients with thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer.

What does participation involve?

You will be asked to watch one of two videos depicting a surgeon-patient discussion about treatment options for thyroid cancer. You will complete a brief questionnaire before and after the video. The questionnaire will include questions about what treatment you would choose if you were the patient in the video, your feelings and reactions to the video, and your medical history. No office visits or appointments are necessary for participation.

Am I eligible to participate?

You can participate if your thyroid nodule biopsy is benign and you do not need surgery. You also need internet access, an email address, to be able to watch and listen to a video, and to be 18 or older. Our research team will contact anyone who is eligible by phone and mail. If you do not want to be contacted about the study, please tell us by calling 608-265-2904, emailing choicestudy@surgery.wisc.edu, or contacting the research study staff here.

How do I join the study?

You will be contacted by the CHOiCES study team via mail and phone and given a link to participate if you are eligible. The brochure provides information to patients that are potentially eligible, but does not guarantee eligibility. If you are interested in the study, contact the research study staff here.

Will I be paid for my time?

If you are eligible, you can earn $40 after you complete the study.

How much time will the study take?

The study will take 15 to 20 minutes. We recommend you complete it on a computer or tablet.

Will I need to make extra doctor’s visits?

No extra office visits or appointments are necessary for participation.

Are there any risks if I participate in the study?

There are very few risks to participation. We will do everything we can to keep your answers completely private. Your participation will not affect your medical care or how you are treated by your healthcare providers.